From Zero to Heroes: Championing Environmental Stewardship

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Amidst the bustle of daily urban life, a group of dedicated individuals is drastically transforming the community’s relationship with the environment. Their mission is to clean up and restore the rivers and seasides, including a recent project in Pasil, Cebu City, Philippines—a vital yet often neglected part of the city’s ecosystem.

Mr. Kiddo Canovas, a passionate advocate for environmental stewardship shared his journey—a journey that began with a personal commitment to veganism for the environment, driven by a deep-seated concern for the planet. He joined Mr. Mike Smith’s team, the founder of Zero Co. from Australia. In order to combat the worldwide plastic crisis, Mike Smith travels the world and camps in some of the most remote locations to clear mountains of rubbish. In a few short years, this environmental warrior has made governments and consumers worldwide sit up and take notice with his bold clean-up initiatives that directly confront the problem of plastic pollution.

“We feel like the world needs a big, bold, audacious long-term vision over a long period of time, so we recently launched the 100-year clean-up. We’re spreading the word that it’s up to all of us to untrash the planet across multiple generations, which is why we’re committing to clean the planet for the next 100 years,” according to one of Mike Smith’s blog articles.

“Being vegan is more than just a dietary choice or about food,” Mr. Canovas explained earnestly. “It’s a lifestyle aimed at reducing our ecological footprint and minimizing harm to animals and the environment. While others are vegan for food, I am vegan for the environment. Change, I believe, starts with us—from our everyday choices and actions.”

His conviction is palpable, his words carrying the weight of someone who has embraced a cause greater than themselves. The rivers and seasides like Pasil are not just places; they are lifelines for our community, sources of livelihood, and vital components of our city’s identity. Protecting them is a responsibility we all share.

The clean-up drives organized by Mike, together with their team and some volunteers like Kiddo, are a testament to the power of community-driven initiatives. Volunteers from all walks of life come together, armed with gloves, ready to tackle the debris that threatens these natural habitats. Beyond the physical act of cleaning, these events serve as catalysts for broader change—inspiring others to take ownership of their surroundings and become proactive stewards of the environment.

“Every piece of trash we collect is a step towards a cleaner, healthier environment,” Mr. Canovas affirmed with determination. “But more than that, it’s about creating a ripple effect—a ripple of awareness, action, and responsibility.”

Indeed, a call for volunteers echoes far beyond the banks of Pasil’s rivers. It resonates with anyone who believes in the transformative power of collective action. Whether you’re a resident of Cebu City or a concerned global citizen, there are numerous ways to support this grassroots movement.

Join a Clean-Up/Volunteer

Keep an eye out for upcoming clean-up events. We are needing more volunteers for the upcoming clean-up projects. Your presence and participation can make a tangible difference in the effort to restore our mother earth’s beauty.

Make Sustainable Choices

Take a page from Mr. Kiddo Canova’s and Mr. Mike Smith’s book and consider how your daily choices—from reducing plastic consumption to supporting eco-friendly initiatives—can contribute to a greener future.

Educate Yourself

Stay informed about environmental issues affecting your community and explore ways to minimize your environmental footprint. Knowledge empowers us all to be better stewards of the planet.

Change starts with us. Together, we can follow in the footsteps of these “zero to heroes” and pave the way for a better environment for generations to come. Let’s join hands and make a difference, one clean-up event at a time.