Deep within the waters off Camiguin Island lies an unforgettable sight—an entire cemetery swallowed by the sea, marked only by a giant, solitary cross rising from the waves. Known as the Sunken Cemetery, this hauntingly beautiful site dates back to the late 19th century when the sudden, fiery birth of Mt. Vulcan shook the island. Violent volcanic eruptions forced the cemetery and parts of its town to plunge beneath the waves, taking with it countless lives and stories. Today, there are no gravestones or flowers to mark the souls who rest below; only the stark memorial cross hints at the lost world beneath.
This unique site is a testament to both nature’s power and the enduring spirit of the island’s people. Locals have erected the cross as a remembrance, honoring those who lie below. The cemetery, now a historical and cultural landmark, draws visitors from around the world, offering a glimpse into the island’s tragic past while showcasing its natural beauty.
The Sunken Cemetery has also become one of Camiguin’s top sunset spots. As the sun dips below the horizon, casting an eerie light across the cross and ocean, the air fills with a quiet, mysterious energy. Some visitors report feeling a distinct chill as the light fades—a sensation they can’t quite explain. Locals say the spirits of those lost may still linger beneath the waters, especially at dusk when shadows stretch across the waves.
Visitors can approach the cross by boat or take a dive down to explore the submerged graves, where coral has begun reclaiming the tombstones, creating an eerie underwater garden. This captivating site offers a unique blend of history, beauty, and reverence, making it a must-visit for anyone exploring the rich cultural tapestry of Camiguin Island.
Experience Camiguin’s Sunken Cemetery for yourself, but be prepared—the ocean keeps its secrets well-hidden beneath the waves.